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    5 Principles to Align Your Organization into Excellence

    People and organization alignment are essential for success.

    Lean initiatives must be aligned towards the same objectives, in order to avoid the « bubble effect »: a lot of Kaizen events or Lean projects, engaging a lot of people in improvement activities that lack consistency and consequently have no impact on performance.

    A team-based organization can be efficient only if team objectives match the organization’s objectives. Improvement initiatives should satisfy a specific organizational objective in order to avoid inconsistencies between projects, conflicts between teams.

    1. Provide the organization with a sense of urgency to improve: talk about the customers and the customer’s experience.
    2. Lean transformation must be supported, every day, every minute, by leadership team: Go and See – Ask Questions – Practice Kata.
    3. All departments should be involved: not only operations or production.
    4. Engage both value steam projects and continuous improvement in every department.
    5. Create a simple but effective Policy Deployment system (Hoshin Kanri) to provide the organization with True North.

    We can assist your organization in facilitation of the Hoshin-Kanri process at all levels:

    • Defining the organization’s current state (business case for change)
    • Defining and Prioritizing strategic objectives
    • Translating the organization’s strategic objectives into tactical improvement initiatives
    • Creating Action Plans, project scoping and project facilitation
    • Definig appropriate measurements and targets to improve
    • Identifiyng the financial and social impacts
    • Establishing and Executing a deployment process

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